Fall Home Maintenance Checklist – FREE Printable

The beauty of Autumn always passes by way too quickly, the trees are bare and now Thanksgiving is around the corner! The month of November is where the last of the winter preparation and Fall home maintenance tasks gets complete around here. I keep all of my seasonal checklists in a home binder so I can easily access them, and also to be sure my husband and I are on the same page.

Here is the Fall maintenance checklist that we use for our family, and be sure to scroll to the end for a free home maintenance checklist printable!

Clean and sweep chimney

Rake and blow leaves

Split and stack firewood

Clean and store away outdoor furniture

Clean and cover outdoor grill

Winterize boat, pool etc.

Organize garage and pack away summer items

Inspect and pull out snow blower and winter equipment

Drain/turn off hose spigots

Empty and store outdoor hoses

Clean and clear gutters and downspouts

Clean and prepare garden for winter

Inspect attic and other areas to insulate for winter

Test smoke detectors

Test thermostats

Keep a fire extinguisher easily accessible

Get furnace serviced and HVAC filters replaced if needed

What would you add to this list?

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord

Colossians 3:23

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